A little About Us
Not only are they musicians they are also published authors, motivational teachers and speakers. Marsha & Dale's creativity with writing, painting and singing are an expression and extension of love for the Father and to those around them. This can be seen within the pages of their book called The Heart of God-Intimate Engagements. Or seen in their dynamic style of teaching within the three part series on Intimacy with God through Hiddenness & Beholding in collaboration with their friends at The Foundations Nest-Short courses which is available to purchase/rent.You can listen to their podcasts at both Chazah Files and Mystical Musings (featured) on Anchor and Spotify. Check out a few of Marsha's Paintings featured on this website.
They are also involved in various ministries eg :FWC-ACOC, The Nest, Ignite Hubs-Canada and Ecclesia of Burning Ones. They are sons and lovers of God. They are married and have 4 children between them Michael, Andrew, Rosie and Kadeem.
They live in Toronto, Canada.