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Beyond the front side of the cross

The cross opened the door into journey. We have a new and living way opened up to us. Do not just journey and then stop at the front side of the cross where we meet Jesus as our Saviour. Yes this is amazing and miraculous as such but the cross is a door into more. A veil was torn and a new covenant was born. A way, truth into a journey of Life abundance. We have access to be where He is with the Father in the glory. Seated, in position that He purchased for us. You and I have a choice to come in His faith, childlike in wonder and journey through the cross, where we were buried with Him, through the empty tomb into a life outside of the gravity of the temporal life here in earth.

Stopping at the front side of the cross without realizing what He brought you into, can lead to a reflective life of feeling separate from the Father. Allowing struggles and and pains of life to become your identity and trying to earn your way back to Him. See, there is no separation nor distance from Him because now you have been included into His death, burial and resurrection. We thank Him for what He has brought us out of but we continue moving forward into the joy of what He has brought us into. Sonship. Shaba

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